Coordinating Team

João Vaz Estêvão

PhD in Tourism from the University of Aveiro, Portugal, under the subject of the adoption of Information Technologies by tourism destinations to foster the internal coordination between stakeholders.
He is a full researcher at CARE – Research Center on Health and Social SciencesPortalegre Polytechnic University (PPU) and a collaborative researcher at GOVCOPP, University of Aveiro, and DINÂMIA’CET-Iscte.
His main research interests are Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse, Smart Tourism Destinations, and Tourism Destination Marketing. He is currently Adjunct Professor at PPU.
A member of ICOMOS Portugal, he has recently coordinated a BA in Cultural and Heritage Management (2021-2023). He has participated in academic projects aiming to (i) revitalize peripheral rural communities through tourism and (ii) to improve the collaborative efforts within tourism destinations’ players through the use of Interorganizational Information Systems.

Sofia Macedo

PhD in Modern and Contemporary History by ISCTE-IUL, with a Thesis entitled “The Defense and Safeguarding of Heritage in Portugal: the Heritage Defence Associations (1974-1997)”. Post-Graduation in Heritage and Cultural Projects, at ISCTE-IUL, in 2009. Degree in History, Archaeology from the University of Lisbon.

Her professional career began in Archaeology, and in 2003 she joined the associative movement for the defence of heritage, in the Portuguese Association of Friends of the Castles where she was linked to heritage valorisation and protections, in the field of military heritage. Is currently member of the Board of the Portuguese Association of Industrial Archaeology.

Invited Assistant Professor at ISCTE where she teaches the Curricular Units of Heritage Inventory and Interpretation and Cultural Heritage Projects, in the Master Course on Cultural Studies and Management, of which she is sub-director.

Integrated Researcher at Cies-Iscte, specifically at the Portuguese Observatory of Cultural Activities, in the area of Cultural Heritage.

She participates in several research projects, coordinated by various academic entities and also by private entities in the fields of cultural heritage, industrial heritage and contemporary history, highlighting the Survey of National Monuments (OPAC-CIES); the international project WORTH – Worframe for the Evaluation of Social transformation Through Cultural Heritage (of which he is Principal Investigator) or the project United Voices, New Heritages: Roots and Echoes of the Associative Movement in Post-25th April Portugal – The Case of COAI (also PI).

Mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend. Heritage activist.

Eva Milheiro

Associate Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre – School of Education and Social Sciences (ESECS) since 2000.
Currently she is President of the Pedagogical Council of ESECS, Coordinator of the Department of Social Sciences, Territory and Development and Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course in Wine Tourism.
She has a degree in Management and Planning in Tourism, a Master’s in information management, a Postgraduate degree in Geographic Information Systems in Tourism and is currently finishing her PhD thesis: “Co-creating rural tourism experiences- the case of rural tourism in the Alto Alentejo”, at the University of Aveiro.
She collaborates with three research centers: CARE/IPP; GOVCOPP/UA and CITUR.
She is the author of two books, co-editor of one ebook, has published several chapters and articles in national and international scientific journals and has delivered several communications at national and international meetings.
She has been involved in several funded research projects, of which the following stand out:  “The Overall Rural Tourism Experience and sustainable local community development”, funded by FCT; “Alentejo Regional Tourism Observatory”, funded by INALENTEJO – Alentejo Regional Operational Program, QREN – SIAC; “Tourism Operational Plan of Portalegre”, “Tourism Operational Plan of Campo Maior” and “Development of the Kenya Tourism and Cultural Heritage Strategic Plan, Blue Economy Sector Strategy 2030”, funded by the European Union and Instituto Camões.